creative journy

Color.Full (2017)”, The Apothecary

“Civil War of 2020”, “Cancer Doesn’t Wait”, Resistance Poetry

“Father’s Day”, “Dough”, Without Borders

“Getting Peaches for Father’s Day”, Illumination

“The Four Horsemen of This Apocalypse”, The Friday Fix

“All Zoomed Out”, Literary Impulse

“Please Wear A Mask”, The Bookends Review

“My Grandmother’s Math”, Inspiration in Isolation

“Al’s Redemption”, 1st Prize Shtorytime! short story

“It was the Best Day, and the Worst Day”, 3rd prize Shtorytime! short story

“Jaxe, Another Kind of Monster Hunter”, 2nd prize Shtorytime! short story


Tupelo Press, 30/30 writer, January 2023– 30 Post-partum poems

In Print: “Friday Afternoon Freedom”, Written Tales III

In Print, Forthcoming: “One Night in the Time of Coronavirus”, Herstory anthology

Forthcoming: ‘Ten Bodies”, Poetry of the Pandemic: Vol 3, Ariel Publishing LLC

Guest blogger